Let’s talk about comments. Well, actually, you’re only going to read about comments because I’ve decided to remove the comment function from this site.

A few months ago a site I read regularly, The Verge, turned off their comment system supposedly because of overly offensive and hostile comments. Personally I think this is a bullshit. Ultimately it’s their site so their rules.

When Vice.com removed the comments from their blog they admitted to doing a poor job moderating the comments section. That reason hit home. Strike one, I’m lazy.

So let’s take laziness and add the concern of privacy. Part of the reason I originally wanted to run WordPress is because I care about privacy. Not just my privacy but the privacy of my readers. Yes. I care about you. I recently added TLS to my site as a light layer of protection. I switched to Jekyll for a variety of reasons but one of those reasons was having full control of how my site was built.

I guess I’ll get to the point.

In attempt to keep discussions where they belong and to maximize the options of privacy the comments will be missing from this site.

I have been thinking about making a page on either Voat or Reddit in the future. Though most of my pages usually don’t get enough comments to justify that.

You can, however, get a hold of me on Twitter.